Saturday, March 28, 2009


The fact that you are reading this webpage means that by you will have discovered that you now have the power to grasp a rather sophisticated process, the process of communicating with the purpose to create influence. You’re going to take the way you already are communicating and refine it even further by adding the tools that give you a way to create personal change in your life.

At this point, you may even find yourself becoming very strategic in your thinking and very strategic in the way that you interact with other people because you will start layering in your communication tools that actually get the results that you want. This influence processes will give your interaction an even more polished structure. This polish is very important because it will give you the opportunity to choose what your interactions will include and what they will exclude. By the way, this is very important because just because you know how to use these techniques doesn’t mean you have to use them all the time. Ultimately, when you want to pull out all the stops, you may use all these techniques at the same time. However, while you just want to get a certain result, quickly and easily, you may just pick and choose from the techniques that follow, finding the simplest one that matches the situation that you are in. I have already written hundreds of these techniques, all waiting to be posted and enjoyed. So sit back, relax and enjoy learning how to speak in a whole new way.

Next article…
The Economics of Conversation: How to keep the energy high in a conversation to be charismatic

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff! What's the best way to contact you Ryan if I'm ready to drink the cool-aid?
